Tuesday, November 17, 2009

How to create an artificial fog effect in Flash

I have this photo of a snowy backyard.
Create a new Flash document. To do this, go to File >New. Select Flash Document. Click OK. We will use the image of the snowy backyard for this. Import the image to your library by File > Import > Import to library. Then select the image to import in the library.
Drag the image from library to your stage area. Then, resize your stage area to the size of your image. To do this, click on the image and look at the properties panel
which is found at the bottom by default.
Remember the width and height then resize your stage area.
Align your image by clicking on the image. And from the Align panel make sure you click first To Stage icon, then Align Left Edge and Align Top Edge.

Rename the first layer to “background” then lock the layer.
Create a New layer, and we can name it to “fog”
Select the Brush Tool, and then set the stroke color to white. Also choose the medium Brush size.
Now at layer 2, draw some random wiggles across the stage area at the lower part.
Select everything or all the wiggles you draw, with the Selection tool. Then hit on F8 or go to Modify > Convert to Symbol… F8, to convert this to a Movie clip. You can name the clip to “fog_mc”

Double click on the movie clip to edit it.
Select everything again with the Selection tool. Then, hold on to your Shift + Alt button. While holding on to these buttons, drag them to the right to make a copy.
Scroll the timeline up to frame 200 and press F^ to create a new keyframe
We will then need to add a motion tween from frame 1 to 100 by right-clicking between them, and selecting “Create Motion Tween”

Select frame 200 to select the movie clip. Then hold down Shift button so you can drag the wiggles to the right, until it is almost matching up the same wiggle shape. Notice that the objects are released on a different position.

Go back to scene 1. You can also preview the loop by pressing Ctrl + Enter
Now we will need to transform these wiggles to a fog effect. To make this to a fog effect, we need to blur it. To do this, select the movie clip. Go to Filters tab, then click on the plus icon/button to add blur.
Set the Blur X and Blur Y to about 70, with the Quality Low
And we are done. You can preview it by clicking Ctrl + Enter
Here is the picture of the original scenery so you can compare:

How to make pictures more clear

Method 1 – Using an extra layer

First, open the image in Photoshop and press CTRL + J to duplicate the background layer.

photoshop duplicate layer
Next, go to Filter, then Other, and choose High Pass. The higher the value you set it to, the sharper your image will become. However, if you set it really high, the image will become grainy. I set mine to 10 pixels.
filter other high pass
Now click on the layer and set the blending mode to Hard Light and adjust the Opacity to whatever you think makes the image look best. It’s set to 100% by default, but you may get better results at 50% or something else, so just play around with that value.
blurry image photoshop
That’s it! Your image should now be much sharper looking! Unforunately, if your image is very blurry or the blurriness is caused by really fast motion, you probably won’t be any major difference.
The best results are when the image is simply our of focus because the camera focused on the wrong object or something similar.
That’s it! Your image should now be much sharper looking! Unforunately, if your image is very blurry or the blurriness is caused by really fast motion, you probably won’t be any major difference.
The best results are when the image is simply our of focus because the camera focused on the wrong object or something similar.

Method 2 – Sharpen image
The other easier option is to simply use the sharpen tool, but you don’t get as good results with it.
To use the sharpen tool in Photoshop, just go to Filter, then Sharpen and choose from any of the options, such as Sharpen, Sharpen Edges, Sharpen More, and Smart Sharpen.
photoshop filter sharpen
Hopefully, these two simple methods can make your blurry images clearer and sharper! Enjoy!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

How to trace the original location of an email via its IP address

Finding the IP address of an email sender in GMail, Yahoo Mail.
Google’s Gmail

1. Log into your account and open the email in question.
2. Click on the down arrow that’s to the right of the Reply link. Choose Show Original from the list.

Now here’s the technical part that I was telling you about earlier! You need to look for the lines of text that start with “Received: from“. It might be easier to simply press Cntrl + F and perform a search for that phase. You’ll notice that there are several Received From’s in the message header. This is because the message header contains the IP addresses of all of servers involved in routing that email to you.

To find the first computer that originally sent the email, you’ll have to find the Received From that’s farthest DOWN. As you can see from the above image, the first one is from a computer called “aseem” with the IP address Then it was routed to my ISP’s server at eastrmmtao104.cox.net and so on and so forth till it got to your email server.

The computer aseem is my personal home computer and that’s my public IP address for my house! I’ll go through Yahoo and Outlook before talking about tracking the location of that IP address.

Yahoo Mail Beta
1. Log into your account and open the email (if you’re using Yahoo Mail Beta with the new preview interface, make sure you double-click on the email so that it opens in a new tab)
2. At the top right, you’ll see there is a drop-down option where Standard Header is selected by default.
3. Click on it and choose Full Header.

Again, you’ll see the same information as before, just in a different window:

Tracking the location of an IP address :

Now that we have our originating IP address of, let’s find out where that is! You can do this by perform a location lookup on the IP address. My favorites are IP2Location and GeoBytes IP Locator.
GeoBytes gave me a big map of New Orleans, LA along with a bunch of other information about the location itself.
IP2Location also gave me the same information pretty much, including the ISP (Cox Communications). Of course, this is correct since I live in New Orleans!
If you want more information, you can do a WHOIS database search also. My favorite one is the ARIN WHOIS Database Search. This will give you information on who hosts that IP address and their registration information. You can always contact them to try and find more information on that particular IP address.
Have fun tracking down those emails! Questions, comments, or suggestions? Post a comment!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Here is a way on how to create a simple batch file virus

Write it in a notepad Cycle a message in your friend's computer(code is given below)
Type :
@ECHO off
msg * Hi
msg * Are you having fun?
msg * I am!
msg * Lets have fun together!
msg * Because you have been o-w-n-e-d

Save it as "Anything.BAT" and send it.

how is it.....?

Speeding up the hard drive

Vista has a feature of utilizing the hard drive to its max, but in the event of power failure, there are chances of data loss....thats why this feature is turned off.....But if you got some backup power through UPS, you can enable this feature.....

Note: try this only if you got an UPS for auxilary power.

1)Right click on My Computer icon on the desktop and click properties. Click on device manager.
2) click on the little plus sign in front of Disk drives to display your hard drive(s).
3)choose the hard drive you want to optimize.Right click on it and click properties.
4)Click the Policies tab.
5)Check the Enable advanced performance box and click OK.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Different ways to shutdown

1. Use Alt+F4 to close any programs running already (one press to close one program) NOTE: does not close minimised programs! When all the programs are closed, another press of ALT+F4 will ask if you want to Shut Down, Restart, Or set to Stand By mode. Then press U for Shut Down, R for Restart or S for Stand By.
2. press the Windows key (between Ctrl and Alt) which will bring up the Start Menu, then press U for Shut Down, and U again for Shut Down.

3. Ctrl+Esc opens the Start menu. (Instead, you could use the Windows key.) Pressing the u key selects whichever menu item has an underlined u. (Note that if your menu has other options that begin with a U, such as “User Preferences,” then you’ll have to hit u more than once and then hit Enter when Shut Down is selected.)

Then it gives u a list if u either want to
shut down..
Hibernate. or restart your pc.

5. Shortcut Keys to Shutdown and Restart your Computer
Get ready and follow these points to experiment.
1. On your desktop, right click>shortcut(select shortcut)
2. You will then see a Popup Window(Create Shortcut wizard)
3. In ‘Type the location of the item’, Key in ‘Shutdown -s -t 01′
Click ‘Next’ and you will be prompt to name the Shortcut. Give it any name you want and click ‘Finish’.
Now, whenever you hope to shutdown your Computer or laptop. Simply double click on this shortcut icon.
You can also fully customize this shortcut Icon.
Right Click>’Properties’>’Change Icon’
This allows you to change Shortcut Icon to any image you want.
If you want to create a Shortcut Icon for restarting your Computer or Laptop, Simply change -s to -r.
As s stand for shutdown while r stands for restart.
Change the number after -t to set the time of your Computer and Laptop to wait in seconds before shutting down.
You can also insert a comment by adding -c ‘Your Text’ to the line. It will display the Text you specified while counting down the time in seconds.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Tuesday, October 6, 2009